
Why we implemented this feature

The velodyne driver itself fundamentally converts packets to points. Communication with UDP sockets, error handling and stateful transitions are handled by a different class, namely autoware::drivers::udp_driver::UdpDriverNode.

Finally, care was taken to try to optimize the driver for speed as much as possible. Expensive operations such as modulo and division were avoided in the tightest loops, and as much work as possible was delegated to initialization computation, and used during runtime via lookup tables. In addition, sleeps were used in various loops to free up hardware resources when they might otherwise not be needed.


One modification applied is that in addition to standard values, e.g. spatial coordinates and intensity, we retain some order information from the sensor itself.

Specifically, fire_id is kept track of, which consolidates points of a point cloud into 16 point blocks that make up a fire pattern, or can be thought of as a ray, where 16 in this case is the number of lasers in the particular model of Velodyne LiDAR used. This information is used downstream, most particularly in the ray_ground_filter.

An additional modification to the driver API is that points can be seen or consumed before a full point cloud is received. This allows downstream computation (e.g. filtering, ground segmentation) to happen as the point cloud is coming in, to minimize the overall latency of the system. In this use case, a special fire_id, END_OF_SCAN_ID = 0xFFFF is used to denote where one pointcloud ends and another begins. In order to maintain consistency in a system that works off these point streams, the point delimiting two pointclouds must be pushed downstream.

The above stated point stream is distinct from a ROS/DDS topic in the following ways:

  • Point streams are intra-process, meaning they are sent between threads of the same process
  • Point streams are communicated via wait-free single producer single consumer ring buffers, rather than tcp/udp
  • Interface definitions have been defined (e.g. see velodyne/point_stream.h) to allow different components to read from intermediate point streams or directly from a point stream from another module (e.g. directly from the driver to the ray ground filter)
  • Point streams can be converted into PointCloud2 messages by accumulating information into the message's data vector until END_OF_SCAN_ID is received
  • PointCloud2 messages can be converted into point streams by scanning through messages upon receipt and pushing each point downstream

Another design goal for using point streams was to minimize exposure on the ROS/DDS layer. If a DDS topic were used to communicate between threads instead, there would be a huge amount of information being blasted across DDS at a very high rate, even though other components don't need the information.

Performance characterization


The running time of operating on any one packet and generating any one point is O(1). As the driver must wait for packets to come in from the sensor, and because the number of packets in a full laser scan is user defined, the runtime is O(n) in the size of the point cloud.


The space complexity for the Velodyne driver is O(1). It is dominated by preallocated lookup tables.

Module IO (inputs/outputs) and constants


  • Configuration parameters for Vlp16Translator

The velodyne driver itself generally converts to a vector of points to message types.


Related issues

  • #4 - Implement velodyne driver